Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tonight, I'm going with my cousin Stephanie to see the 20th anniversary re-release of Dirty Dancing. I can't imagine that I watched this movie when I was 13, but I distinctly remember going to the theater to watch it with a bunch of other girls for Amy Cryer's 14th birthday party. My mom was very opposed to my going, but for some reason she let me. Then, a few months later, Stephanie and I rented it, and Mom was still didn't want us to watch it, but she let us again! She got mad that we were watching it and went to bed. But she came out after a few minutes and said, "Y'all know that you are NEVER to dance with ANYONE like that!" My friend Martha watched the movie almost every day one summer. She even sat at her computer and typed out every word while she watched it. I always wondered if she typed out what was happening during parts where there was no talking, like the dancing scenes and...other...scenes...if you know what I mean. I don't know why she did it. I just know I loved that movie. I've probably seen it at least once a year since I first saw it 20 years ago. I leave you with this final thought...NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER!


Amy said...

Wow, that movie is 20 years old? I was 15 then and I saw it. Her being called Baby always bothered me.

Rachel said...

I have never seen the entire movie. Only exerpts here and there. One day, it was on t.v. as I was on the treadmill. I kept watching it which kept me on the treadmill even longer. I finally had to get off due to lack of oxygen--not lack of interest in the movie.