Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'll go once more:
1. Did you know that until I was an adult I thought ranch style beans were called "Cowboy Beans" because that's what my mom told my brother and me so that we would eat them?

2. Did you know that I'm very uncomfortable around any animal that's paid a visit to the taxidermist, and, in fact, have trouble turning my back on them?

3. Did you know that as children my cousin and I put mud on our fingertips, stood on a picnic table and tried to conjure up some "spirits" and for years after that I believed I had committed blasphemy?


Todd Wright said...

did you know that up until about six years ago, Kristen thought that bounty hunters killed people?

Susie Moore said...

This is a fun game!

1. Did you know that I have germ issues with cups. I try not to let it be a problem at resturants but at home I only drink from red plastic cups because I feel like if a cup has been used more than once it isnt sanitary.

2. Did you know that as a child I used to steal drinks from the coke machines at Albertsons by telling the manager that I had put money in and it didnt give me a coke.

3. Did you know that in Highschool I lived on cold fish sticks and cold bean burrittos and those are still some of my favorite foods.


Kristen said...

P.S. about the bounty hunter: the only bounty hunter I had ever heard of was Boba Fett, and in the movie he was told that Jabba wanted Han Solo alive, right? So that had to mean that Jabba knew Boba Fett sometimes killed his "prey." So that's why I thought that. Until about six years ago I didn't even know bounty hunters were real. I thought they were only in movies.

Rachel said...

1. Did you know that I love a Christmas tree, but hardly ever put one up in my house. I like having one, but I hate putting it up and taking it down.

2. Did you know that I have a difficult time not saying "yes or no" after asking a yes or no question. Example: "Do you guys want to come over and watch a movie? yes or no?"

3. Did you know that I just learned how to make a paper snowflake? In elementary school, my snowflakes were the ones that didn't stay together because I would always cut the edges. I gave up on making them until a week ago.

Anonymous said...

1. Did you know that I get pre-symptoms before I come down with a migraine headache? I lose vision at the center of my focus... and then it looks like a flashing light in my periphery.

2. Did you know that my most hated song is Betty Davis Eyes?

3. Did you know that I am now a blogger???